Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Has Lady Gaga gone TOO faaar ... ?

Yesterday my cousin and I were talking about Lady Gaga's fashion style ! and we both agreed that what she's doing is to attract people's attention through the media, yet I didn't think she's going to go this far!, now Poker face has recently had her concert in Toronto, Canada and this is her pictures, the fist one was in her concert and rest are randomly..

Yesterday my cousin and I were talking about Lady Gaga's fashion style ! and we both agreed that what she's doing to attracted people's attention through the media, yet I didn't think she's going to go this far!, anyway now Poker face has recently had her concert in Toronto, Canada and this is her pictures the fist one was in her concert and rest are randomly..

Sunday, June 14, 2009

CBK; eye on Yemen !!!

ok guys, now CBK realized that they don't want to expand to Yemen, I will say nothing about the timing or about the crisis we're in but, YEMEN ? why ? like there are no more locations to expand ? Did CBK shut-Down NYC branch to expand to Yemen ? ok what about europe ? what about the strong and good economic base country... will be better then Yemen !! 

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Russian Bank off to Dubai !

Now this bank is the second largest bank in Russia which by the end of July will open a new branch in Dubai, which is the first Russian bank in UAE. 
P.S: like the laundry in Dubai in not enough !!

It's a BOY !!

A photo of the bearded Beatie with a pregnant belly became a worldwide sensation.  

The pregnant man, Thomas Beatie gained a huge attention from the media last year when he give a birth to his baby girl Susan and now the pregnant man has given birth for a second time . and this time to a boy.

As long he WAS she, I cant see any problem or miracle!.... Really feel sorry for their children !