Friday, August 29, 2008

choc. Milk Vs. sports drink !

I use to drink Gatorade from time to time when I'm playing squash and wondering what the different and what it really do inside ME ! so, I google it. And I found a study from 2004 published in CBS News web-site saying that: " Common sports drinks such as Gatorade supply those carbs, as well as fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat. However, more recent research suggests that adding protein to the mix may further hasten recovery. Hence the new wave such as Endurox R4 that include protein as well as higher doses of carbs.

In the study, nine male cyclists rode until their muscles were depleted of energy, then rested four hours and biked again until exhaustion. During the rest period, the cyclists drank low-fat CHOCOLATE MILK, GATORADE, or ENDUROX R4. During a second round of exercise, the cyclists who drank the chocolate milk were able to bike 50% LONGER THAN those who drank Endurox, and ABOUT AS LONG AS those who drank the Gatorade.

The finding suggest that chocolate milk has an optimal ratio of carbohydrates to protein to help refuel tired muscles, researcher Joel M. Stager, PhD, Indiana Univ. kinesiology prof., tells WebMD." 

I love it, switching to choc. milk from now ;)

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